The japanese manga series one punch man contains a number of fictional characters created by one and illustrated by yusuke muratathe series follows a superhero named saitama and his disciple genos who join the hero association so they can be recognized as such when they fight various monsters and villains. One punch man road to hero 20 tier list best characters 10 august 2020 miguel sancho guides 0 wellcome to the unofficial one punch man road to hero 20 tier list all the characters ranked from tier ss the best of the best to tier c the worst of the game.
One Punch Man The Strongest Man Coming Soon In China
One punch man characters tier list. Road to hero 20 character tier list. Tier 1 tier 2 tier tier 3 tier 4 and tier 5. For a list of anime only characters see anime only characters. The strongest heroes and monsters tier list. The best ssr and sr characters rpg kevin july 2 2020 one punch man. The best heroes and villains in the game rpg kevin july 19 2020 one punch man.
Road to hero 20 has just been released internationally after spending some time in closed beta in select countries. For a webcomic character profile list and up to date webcomic status see characters webcomic. Use our one punch man most important characters tier list template to create your own tier list. Based on the popular shueisha manga and anime series publisher tianma worked with a couple of other partners to secure the licensing rights and develop this mobile game. Sss tierbest ss tierexcellent s tiergood a tieraverage and b tierbad. So lets not waste any time and check out the one punch man road to hero 20 tier list where we have listed the characters in tiers.
The strongest is a brand new hero collector rpg developed by fingerfun limited. For a list of unnamed heroes see heroesunnamed. Rosters in tier 1 are the best ones and perform extremely well in combat. The strongest man launched exclusively in china on 19 june 2019 and now 16 june globally. List is based on my experience during alpha test and taiwan server. For a list of unnamed mysterious beings see list of unnamed mysterious beings.
Some of the ssr characters may not be release yet. As materials are rare focus on training your first 6 characters first you can train others after you unlock the rollback function. In this one punch man the strongest heroes tier list we have listed the top tier best ssrsr characters to invest in. This tier list is classified into five tiers. Sr characters that are not in this list are not worth training.